Terms, Requirements and Contact


The workshops arranged by Global Stone Workshop® are open to Artists, Craftsmen, Architects, Photographers and Designers. Previous experience in stone sculpting is not required, but participants must be able to work on their own.
Global Stone Workshop® Representatives/Leaders are available to assist / support for managing the tools, purchasing stones, crates, etc.
Sculpting/ carving classes are not provided during regular workshops.
Each workshop is open to a maximum of 10 participants.
In the event of fewer than 6 participants, the workshop could be postponed.
The fees are calculated for at least six registered in each workshop.


Participants may terminate their workshop whenever they like… but first after a minimum of two carving weeks.
In India, we strongly recommend staying a minimum of three weeks due to the country’s deep cultural impact on the Participants.
GSW may request a down payment equal to 1/3 of the workshop fee at the time of booking.
It is apparent that Global Stone Workshop® prices are low.
No other serious stone carving workshop in Europe or the USA can compete with its rates.


To participate in Global Stone Workshop® events or make reservations, don’t hesitate to contact the Founder, Stefano Beccari, stefanobeccari.sculptor@gmail.com, or the Leaders of each specific workshop. You’ll find the addresses under Programme and Workshops.


At all stone and bronze workshops organized by Global Stone Workshop, each Participant rents an individual working space of 4 m2. Global Stone Workshop takes no responsibility whatsoever for accidents that may occur during the Participants working time… Participants sculpt at their own risk. Participants are also responsible for damages they might cause others. Global Stone Workshop recommends all Participants to buy a Personal Accident Insurance Policy in their own country… if they don’t have one already.